czwartek, 29 listopada 2012

I have to get up on bed. Its midday I need to eat breakfest but I don't want. Tomorrow I have exam, again. And I want to go home, to my family home. Zero Internet and zero contact with other people. Rest.
Ohh I watched film and one actor looks like you Pierre. He had the same smile, and eyes. Ohh again. I'm missing you! But what? We are angry of us. I want nothing.

środa, 28 listopada 2012

I had argument with Pierre. Zero conversation for a month and now fight. I don't like it. I have very bad mood. Tomorrow big exam with physics and I can nothing. I feel bad, I feel so lonely. I need rest. I need hug. I need anybody who can sit next to me and it's all. All what i need at the moment.

poniedziałek, 12 listopada 2012

Timetable for today? Green grapes and math. Tutoring in mathematics for Przemek and then more of my math. I see just numbers.

piątek, 9 listopada 2012

Friday evening and I'm sitting at home and learning technical mechanic. Very nice. Maybe Mom has right, maybe I should apply for a scholarship. I know I can do it so why not. I wanted to get an Erasmus and to study in Germany, for Pierre. But now it's egal for me..

czwartek, 1 listopada 2012

I don't know what is happened. Pierre removed me from facebook friends and we argued. But he told me that he loves me and yesterday we spoke on skype. But it was very short conversation and about nothing. Unfortunately..
I learn a lot of. Mostly physic and english. I know a few words in field of the logistics and I can tell what it is xD I think it can be very intresting supply chain management or logistics network design. We will see but I think I can like it.